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Order Shipment Confirmation
- What You’ll Receive: An email with a tracking number and a link to monitor your shipment.
- Tracking Access: Enter the provided tracking number below to check the latest shipment status.
Tracking Update Timeline
- Initial Notice: Allow a window of 1 to 3 working days for the tracking details to be updated following a shipment notification.
Estimated Order Arrival
- Shipping Method: We utilize ePacket for global shipping.
- Processing Timeframe: Orders are typically processed within 1-2 business days.
- Delivery Estimate: Expect delivery within 7 to 10 business days after dispatch.
- Holiday Considerations: Delivery times might be affected during holiday periods.
Special Note on Order Delivery
- Multiple Shipments: Orders may be divided into several shipments.
- Additional Tracking: Each shipment will have its own tracking number, and you’ll be informed accordingly.